Contact Information

Address :
5850 Chemin de la Côte-de-Liesse
Mont-Royal, Quebec, H4T 1B1
Telephone :
Fax :

Employer profile

MAZDA GABRIEL ST-LAURENT is the most modern and luxurious Mazda dealership in America.

Located on autoroute 520 in Mount Royal, we serve an important metropolitan market that guarantees a high traffic volume.

Member of GROUPE GABRIEL, we offer our employees great benefits in a harmonious work environment.

The Mazda brand gives our customers and future customers value added products which deliver emotion and engineering excellence. Feel alive is more than an advertising slogan it is the very essence of our brand.

Join us today and exploit your potential.

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If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please call our Customer Service at (514) 321-2888 Call Now: (514) 321-2888