Relectric - Finance Team Lead

Kingston, Ontario, Canada,


Offre publiée le : 2025-02-27

Détails du poste

  Secteur : Automobile
  Spécialité : Admin. - Comptable
  Horaire : À déterminer
  Type de poste : Permanent
  Salaire :
  Langue(s) parlée(s) :
  Langue(s) écrite(s) :

Description du poste

The Queen's Relectric Car Team (QRCT) is dedicated to retrofitting old combustion engine vehicles with new Electric Vehicle (EV) systems. We are creating solutions for mechanical, electrical, and thermal systems to develop a framework for widespread adoption, reducing the waste generated by the global EV revolution. By continuously striving to improve our approach to EV conversions, we additionally enable hands-on experiences for our undergraduate student members with modern automotive technology.

QRCT is looking for individuals with a keen interest in our work to contribute to our mission in a leadership role. The Finance Team Lead oversees the financial management and sponsorship acquisition that allows QRCT to undertake its conversion projects. This position is perfect for those interested in financial strategy, budgeting, and fostering external relationships.


  • Develop and implement Relectric's sponsorship outreach strategy.
  • Create and manage the team's yearly budget by understanding each technical team's annual component needs.
  • Collaborate with members of the Engineering Society's finance team to approve and reimburse team expenses.
  • Organize weekly Finance Team meetings to maintain outreach efforts.
  • Facilitate goal setting and progress analysis with project teams.


  • Strong passion for the automotive industry.
  • Strong interpersonal and management skills.

Thank you for your interest in this position. We look forward to hearing from you and discussing how you can contribute to our goal of promoting sustainable technology adoption in the automotive industry.

Application Deadline: Friday, March 7th, 2025

Anticipated Interview Dates: March 10th - March 14th, 2025

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mattias Zeni, mattias.zeni



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