During job interviews in the automotive industry, is it a good idea to say the truth?

Homme_affaireStephen Seckler, Legal Coach thinks so:

The “whole truth” can prevent an interviewer from drawing negative inferences. Sometimes the whole truth is best because it provides a good explanation for something that might be perceived as a negative. It also removes any speculation that you have some skeletons in your closet (e.g., the gap in your resume is because your mother was sick and you left work to care for her). I often joke with candidates that in the absence of contrary information, employers will presume that you were institutionalized during any breaks on your resume.
The general rule, though, is that you need to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, but you do not need to tell the “whole” truth —as long as you do not mislead.

Importance of obtaining prior authorization before performing pre-employment screening in the automotive industry

Recruiting new employees is an expensive and time-consuming process, which is why pre-employment screening is so important. The manager responsible for the process must invest time and energy that inevitably detracts from their everyday responsibilities. Welcoming, integrating and training new employees is a huge drain on dealership resources. If the process fails, the impact is felt by the whole team, which must make up for any departures or gap in required skills.performing_pre_screening


Pre-employment screening and reference checks are valuable tools that help avoid these negative consequences. When performed correctly, reference checks validate the skill level and knowledge of the candidate. What is the correct process? It consists of a process that encourages maximum objectivity from the previous employer. Instead of asking for an opinion, we ask that they rate specific skills on a scale of one to ten. This technique will provide an accurate measurement of the desired skills instead of leaving the door open for an unwarranted rant.

Changing jobs for all the right reasons

These days, changing jobs has become a fact of life for the vast majority of workers on te job market. The mythical ”lifetime” job is definitely a relic from the past. Nowadays, the best you can hope for is that this change will happen under your terms, and not those of your employer. Even if you do switch jobs under your own terms, the rationale behind this move must be logical and sound. Are there any wrong reasons for changing jobs?  You bet there are. For example, certain people will act rashly, emotions having gotten the better of them, after a negative comment or harsh evaluation on the part of their boss. Others will accept a position that flatters their ego, even if this new job does not really suit them. You need to be absolutely certain that the motivation behind this important decision is sound before taking any further steps.


If the ”Monday-morning blues” start kicking in on Saturday evening, or if every time you set foot in the office, you keep asking yourself how is it even possible for you to make it through another day, without doubt you need to start planning your next career move. There are a multitude of reasons that can explain this negative state of mind, which is detrimental to both your physical and mental well-being. If this is the case, you better start evaluating your options sooner than later. If the irritants are related more to the work environment than the actual tasks you are required to perform, then a change of scenery is your next logical move. However, you might need to consider a career change if the work itself is at the root of the problem.

Your sense of fulfillment

Human beings tend to more balanced and fulfilled as we get older. Every aspect of our lives, including work, can provide this sense of fulfillment. Personal fulfillment is a complex subject that has fueled an entire industry of writers and experts; it is at the core of our quest for well-being and happiness. We all have basic needs and desires that need to be met in order to progress as human beings. As far as work is concerned, our sense of empowerment, of feeling needed and accepted, and our sense of accomplishment, all need to be met in order to flourish and grow. Any sense of imbalance between your tasks and skills, feeling of alienation, or lack of motivation in your job, must be addressed. A career or job change might be the answer.

Unsatisfactory work conditions

Sometimes a job evolves so much over time that it eventually ends up being very different from its original requirements. Suddenly, for a number of reasons, such as increased workload, incompatible responsibilities, illogical work procedures, or others, you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.

A career change, why not!

In certain cases, the nature of the work itself threatens an individual’s well-being. Look at the number of people you know who constantly bicker about a job that doesn’t suit their personality, skills, or ambitions! If the infamous ”you can’t always get what you want” is continually playing in your head while you’re complaining, get rid of that thought right now. With all the time we spend at work in our lifetime, we might as well get some satisfaction and enjoyment out of it. Consult a career coach or counselor to help you with this important endeavor. It may very well change your life!