Recruiting new employees is an expensive and time-consuming process, which is why pre-employment screening is so important. The manager responsible for the process must invest time and energy that inevitably detracts from their everyday responsibilities. Welcoming, integrating and training new employees is a huge drain on dealership resources. If the process fails, the impact is felt by the whole team, which must make up for any departures or gap in required skills.
As for the pre-employment screening, it may reveal former criminal activities or civil suits involving the candidate. Drivers-licence screening may help avoid future problems and surprises, which in the automotive industry, often end up at our desk.
It’s important to obtain prior consent from the candidate authorizing us to contact the two most recent employers. As the right to work is fundamental, employers who wish to check references and perform pre-employment screening need written authorization from the candidate so as not to compromise any future employment opportunity. This will also protect the employer from expensive litigation.