Dealing with psychological harassment at work
Identifying psychological harassment in the workplace isn’t always easy, as its subtle and insidious nature often makes it hard to detect, but both employees and managers share equal responsibility in stopping it at all costs.
First, the distinction must be made between pressure and psychological harassment, as certain automotive industry positions come with their fair share of tension. In this case, we are talking about repeated, offensive attacks against an individual causing anxiety and stress while creating a tense work environment.
What can you do when an individual singles you out and takes out their frustrations on you? The first thing to keep in mind is the fact that jealousy is often the prime motivation for this behaviour, resulting from either a lack of confidence or even psychological problems. Continue reading “Dealing with psychological harassment at work”
The Service Consultant: A Key Member of the Service Department
The service consultant plays a key role in every new-car dealership and motor vehicle repair shop. He serves as the main intermediary between customers who require maintenance or repair services and the shop team.
In most cases the service consultants is the first point of contact in the service department. The employee filling this role must be professional and courteous at all times. A strong knowledge base of vehicle mechanical systems is also required in order to help customers make informed decisions based on their specific needs. The service consultant must possess first-hand knowledge of the manufacturer warranty policies, maintenance requirements, and promotional campaigns. Continue reading “The Service Consultant: A Key Member of the Service Department”
The job thrill is gone? Explore your options!
No one is immune to the feeling that their current job or work environment is lacking for new challenges and opportunities, and automotive industry workers are no exception. Being stuck in a rut is one thing, but writing off a whole industry in search of opportunities in other sectors is completely unnecessary.
In most cases, a lateral move, instead of a full-fledged industry or career change, will bring back your winning smile, while confirming your gut feeling that your lack of enthusiasm was related in most part to your former job or company. Contrary to popular belief, the springboard to your next exciting career opportunity may be only a mouse click away. Continue reading “The job thrill is gone? Explore your options!”
Are Your Employees Always Productive?
Managers dream of seeing their employees produce at maximum levels during every working hour, but motivation and efficiency tend to fluctuate, destroying this fantasy. Here are five handy tips to help optimize team performance without running your employees into the ground.
– Set objectives: Individualized professional development plans are amazingly efficient. They allow managers to create detailed, documented, short, medium and long-term paths for each employee.
– Provide continuous feedback: Plan at least one monthly meeting to follow up on the individual development plan. This is the ideal setting to make adjustments or provide the positive feedback that will virtually guarantee the success of the plan. Continue reading “Are Your Employees Always Productive?”