Are you interested in applying for a New & Pre-owned Representative job in Canada today? Training, work hours, duties, qualities, salary (different provinces), career opportunities, and professional advancement. Discover all you need to become a successful New & Pre-owned Representative in your province today!

What is the definition of a New & Pre-owned Representative?

A New & Pre-owned Representative is a professional that focuses more on selling both new and used products. In the auto industry, these products can be automobiles, warranties, financial options, and maintenance plans. They assist customers in choosing and buying items. That's not all; they also offer product information and manage transactions for both new and pre-owned products.

What does a New & Pre-owned Representative's job involve?

The New & Pre-owned Representative job in Canada today involves many things, including the following:

  1. Sales—Selling both new and pre-owned vehicles to customers.
  2. Customer Service—Provide excellent customer service all through the process of selling both new and pre-owned goods.
  3. Product Knowledge—Having a thorough understanding of both new and used products available for sale.
  4. Negotiation—Negotiating prices and financing terms with customers and ensuring maximum profitability is achieved.
  5. Documentation—Handling paperwork and documentation for vehicle sales.
  6. Follow-up—ensuring customer satisfaction by following up with customers even after vehicle sales.

What is the salary of New & Pre-owned Representatives in Canada?

The average salary for New & Pre-owned Representatives in Canada ranges between $40,000 to $175,991 annually, depending on the job experience, employer, and province.

That said, here are the average annual salaries of entry-level New & Pre-owned Representatives in Canada, based on different provinces:

  • Alberta: $75,000, per year
  • British Columbia: $55,263 per year
  • Manitoba: $65,000 per year
  • New Brunswick: $40,406 per year
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: $46,690 per year
  • Nova Scotia: $50,000 per year
  • Ontario: $55,606 per year
  • Prince Edward Island: $55,000 per year
  • Quebec: $40,405 per year
  • Saskatchewan: $40,331 per year

What exactly are the social benefits of a New & Pre-owned Representative?

New & Pre-owned Representatives stand to enjoy many social benefits in Canada, depending on the industry, employment terms, and employer—some of them include:

  • Networking Opportunities—this comes from interacting with diverse clientele and industry professionals.
  • Skill Development—this job offers representatives many opportunities to enhance their skills (sales, customer service, and negotiation).
  • Flexible Schedule—the flexibility of working hours allows professionals to spend more time with family and friends.
  • Commission-Based Earnings—New & Pre-owned Representatives stand to get higher earnings depending on their sales performance.
  • Career Advancement—the ability to advance one's career is one thing that makes this job worth it.

What training is required and what diploma is needed to become a New & Pre-owned Representative?

Becoming a New & Pre-owned Representative may require extensive formal education and training, depending on the employer and province.

Here are some crucial training requirements for becoming a New & Pre-owned Representative in different provinces:

  • Quebec—A secondary school diploma (DES) is crucial. Other requirements include bookseller certification, approved by Emploi Québec.
  • Ontario—A secondary school diploma is crucial to becoming a New & Pre-owned Representative. You may also need to possess a college diploma or university degree in finance and business. A motor vehicle salesperson certification, approved by the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council is important. On-the-job training will also be provided by the employer.
  • British Columbia—A minimum of a high school diploma or equivalent is required. Having a bachelor's degree in finance and a valid British Columbia driver's license may be required.
  • Alberta—a minimum of a high school diploma or GED equivalent is required. Some employers require a bachelor's degree in business administration or finance. In addition, the candidate needs to have proper experience in customer service or sales jobs.
  • Atlantic Provinces—Having a high school diploma, college diploma in business and finance, and prior experience in sales are crucial to becoming a New & Pre-owned Representative in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Newfoundland & Labrador.

What exactly are the tasks and objectives of a New & Pre-owned Representative?

Here are some tasks and objectives of New & Pre-owned Representatives in Canada today:

  • Sales and Customer Service—helping customers to buy both new and pre-owned vehicles. In addition, these professionals also provide customers with information and guide them through the sales process.
  • Inventory Management—up-to-date knowledge of available inventory for both new models and pre-owned vehicles.
  • Negotiating prices and terms with customers until final sales happen.
  • Achieving maximum profitability for dealerships.
  • Creating promotion and marketing campaigns to attract more customers and increase sales.
  • Ensuring all vehicle sales paperwork is properly documented based on the industry's regulatory standards.

What exactly are the working hours of a New & Pre-owned Representative?

The working hours of a New & Pre-owned Representative are usually based on Canada's standard business hours—9 AM to 6 PM (8 hours + break). Sometimes, these professionals may be asked to run shifts and work during the holidays, evenings, or weekends.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a New & Pre-owned Representative?


  • Variety of Products—experts will get the opportunity to sell both new and pre-owned vehicles. This will surely appeal to different customers.
  • A broader Customer Base is guaranteed since this job focuses on selling both new and used vehicles. With a broader customer base, high vehicle sales performance is sure.
  • Improved sales skills and knowledge—this comes from dealing with different types of customers and vehicles


  • The entire sales process for both pre-owned and new vehicles can be pretty complex.
  • It can be very challenging to balance the inventory of new and pre-owned vehicles. If care isn't taken, this can affect the availability of vehicles and customer satisfaction.

What are the qualities of a New & Pre-owned Representative?

A reliable New & Pre-owned Representative in Canada today must possess the following qualities:

  • Deep knowledge of every detail regarding the available new and pre-owned vehicles is crucial.
  • Interpersonal skills are crucial to building a good relationship with customers
  • The new & pre-owned representatives must be proficient in sales techniques, negotiation, and how to close deals.
  • The ability to adhere to industry regulations and ethical vehicle-selling standards is crucial.

What professional skills can a New & Pre-owned Representative acquire?

With the following professional skills, New & Pre-owned Representatives in Canada should be able to improve their quality of work and advance their careers with ease:

  • Enrolling in advanced product knowledge to better understand vehicle models, features, and updates.
  • Enrolling for courses to help improve sales and negotiation techniques.
  • Advanced training programs to learn how to handle relevant Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools to follow-up and interact with customers.
  • Digital Marketing Skills—to better understand how to market both new & pre-owned vehicles on different platforms, including social media.

What exactly are the job prospects for a New & Pre-owned Representative?

Job prospects for New & Pre-owned Car Sales Representatives are promising. This is especially true for provinces and regions with strong automotive markets.

What careers can a New & Pre-owned Representative pursue?

New & Pre-owned Representatives can advance in their careers and become:

  • Sales Manager—overseeing sales operations and teams.
  • Finance & Insurance Manager—managing financing options and insurance products.
  • Dealer Principal—overseeing the overall operations and strategies of dealerships.
  • Manufacturer representative—Working directly with automotive manufacturers to sell and market vehicles to dealerships. is the reference job board for New & Pre-owned Representatives in Canadian provinces. You should consider using this platform if you need help advancing your career or starting a new career in the automotive industry. This platform will provide you with relevant ads, which you need to achieve your work desires.

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